أهلا وسهلا ومرحبا بكم في عام جديد
2020- 2021
7th Statewide Annual Conference
Paving the Road to Independence Designing Guided and Collaborative Tasks
Guest Presenter: Greta Lundgaard
Presenters: Iman AK Hashem, Lina Kholaki
The ultimate goal of language learning is to be an independent user of that language. One of the ways we prepare our learners to be independent users is by transferring the ownership and responsibility of language use from teacher to learner. The Gradual Release of Responsibility framework provides a structure that will result in learners who own their own learning, take responsibility for communicating, and are more likely produce output independently. An important step in this process is the transition from teacher guided processing and practice to student-led collaborative tasks that allow learners to apply what they learn in a supportive environment. The GRR model links can-do statements and goal setting with purposeful and practical implementation. This workshop focuses on guidelines, tips, and ideas that will help teachers plan for an implement the transition from guided to collaborative work, a critical step toward the goal of independent and personalized language use by learners.
Webinar 1
Effective Activities,
Strategies, and Tasks
Layla Bahar Al-Aloom, Baria Fawal,
Dania Silk, Manar Tarzi
This webinar focus on making learning effective by planning interactive activities, using learning strategies, and designing meaningful tasks.
Webinar 2
Apps and Tools for the
Arabic Language Classroom
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Mohamed Esa
There are many free online apps and tools that can be used in language teaching and learning. The presenter will share how a few of these can be utilized in the Arabic language classroom in a synchronous or asynchronous setting.
Webinar 3
Language Assessment
in Distance Learning
Muhammad Alkhudair, Iman Hashem,
Lina Kholaki, Oraib Mango
Effective language assessment became a major concern for Arabic language educators with the shift to online learning. This webinar focuses on performance-based tasks that can be the key to accurate and fair assessments.
Webinar 4
Designing Assessment Tasks
for Distance Learning
Muhammad Alkhudair, Iman Hashem,
Lina Kholaki, Oraib Mango
Designing effective assessment tasks can be challenging and time consuming. This webinar focuses on designing assessment tasks for different modes as well as selecting technology tools appropriate for students' ages and proficiency levels.
Webinar 5
Creating Learner-Centered
Guest Speaker:
Leslie M. Grahn
During this webinar, participants will explore the benefits and examine models and examples of strategies for creating a learner-centered classroom for language learners. Participants will reflect on and evaluate their classroom environment, level of student engagement, and learner-centered practices and set goals for future instruction.